The 2022 documentary “Free Chol Soo Lee,” which tells the story of a Korean immigrant wrongfully convicted of killing Yip Yee Tak in San Francisco’s Chinatown i...
At a hearing on Monday, advocates and opponents debated a proposed statue in Philadelphia to honor Korean “comfort women” abused by the Japanese army during Wor...
Hiroshima officials on Tuesday urged world leaders to abolish nuclear weapons, emphasizing the pressing risk of atomic war amid ongoing conflicts. The call coin...
A Tang dynasty tomb, discovered during a hillside road reconstruction project in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, in 2018 but only publicly revealed in June, reportedl...
The UNESCO World Heritage committee have registered Japan’s Sado gold mine as a cultural heritage site after Japan agreed to include its dark history of abusing...
Japan has reiterated its apologies for the suffering inflicted on Filipino “comfort women” during World War II. More than 1,000 women were abducted...
Ken Mar, a 99-year-old Chinese American World War II veteran, was honored for his service and contributions at the 30th annual Fourth of July Parade in Sacramen...
Amid intense backlash, Los Angeles County supervisors are rescheduling “Jane Fonda Day” after setting it on April 30, a date of mourning for many Vi...
The hidden kingdom of Shambhala has captivated the imaginations of ancient and modern people alike for its centuries-old story shrouded in myth and mystery. As...