Your Support Matters.
Hi there,
It's a great honor to serve, inform and celebrate the AAPI community with our content, but it's also hard work for little reward. We need to keep growing - more AAPI voices, better reporting, reach more AAPI communities & but we need your help. Make a donation to support the advancement of AAPIs everywhere… and thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for the continued love and encouragement. We couldn't be here without you.
The NextShark
Team Questions about contributing to NextShark? Contact us here
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NextShark does not have 501(c)(3) status - your contributions are not tax-deductible
With your support, here's our plan
Continue reporting news the AAPI community needs
Keep NextShark a platform to get Asian American voices heard
Foster our online communities to be positive, multicultural and accepting places
Improve the user experience on
What we've done for AAPI communities
Reported relevant news to inform, unify, organize and strengthen AAPIs across America since 2016
Celebrated Asian cultures, accomplishments and identities in America to increase AAPI visibility and representation
Covered the rise of anti-Asian hate crimes during COVID, raised awareness for reporting incidents, and helped raise funds for victims
Documented the impact of the pandemic on AAPI small business communities and supported fundraising efforts to aid
Promoted minority solidarity and Black allyship in collaborations with Act to Change and the Center for Public Integrity during the George Floyd Protests
Served (and will continue to serve) as a platform for the voices of sexual abuse survivors within the AAPI community in the wake of the #MeToo movement