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General Inquiries

For general inquiries regarding NextShark, email us at [email protected].


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News Tips

For news tips, feel free to use this form to submit an anonymous tip or email us at [email protected].

Some friendly reminders:

  • Be as specific as possible regarding the nature of your information. Include the date, location, evidence or documentation, and any websites containing relevant information to the tip. Due to NextShark’s journalism values, we will not publish tips relying on speculation only.
  • Tips will be reviewed regularly, however we cannot promise an individual response to each tip. Additionally, while we appreciate all tips, we cannot guarantee that all news tips will receive coverage through an article, and the decision to pursue a news tip will depend on a variety of factors.
  • Please note that news tips reviewed and approved by NextShark staff will likely be published in an article. As a result, please do not submit tips to NextShark if you are not comfortable with the content being published in an article.
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Opinion Article Submission

We at NextShark value our community, and we want to provide the thoughts of our fellow community members with a home to be published. If you would like to submit an opinion piece to publish on NextShark, please contact[email protected].

Some friendly reminders:

  • Please note that opinion pieces on NextShark must be original and cannot have been published elsewhere.
  • Opinion pieces on NextShark tend to make an argument of some element relating to AAPI culture, media, issues, and/or experiences and can be subjective or objective in nature. Some opinion pieces may take the form of personal essays, whereas others may be more didactic in nature; we accept first-person accounts of experiences, pieces making a case for a stance or platform, essays from field experts, pieces focused on advocacy and allyship, and more.
  • We at NextShark value our community, and we want to provide the thoughts of our fellow community members with a home to be published. If you would like to submit an opinion piece to publish on NextShark, please contact
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