Chinese women sport Lululemons, carry Stanley cups to create ‘white woman aesthetic’

By Bryan Ke
A fashion and lifestyle trend dubbed the “white woman aesthetic” has taken over Chinese social media, inviting netizens to share their best activewear looks as their idea of a modern Western lifestyle.
- How it works: The “white woman aesthetic,” which gained popularity on Xiaohongshu as early as December 2023, typically “requires” two staples: Lululemon activewear and Stanley cups. To boost the ensemble, one can incorporate well-known Western products such as Apple AirPods, Converse sneakers and Tiffany jewelry.
- Why it matters: The trend reflects young Chinese women’s growing desire for a more relaxed lifestyle — a relief from China’s prevailing “996” work culture, in which employees find themselves toiling from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days a week. Many also see the trend as a means to emulate the image of a middle-class white American woman, as China’s middle-class shrinks after the 2021 Evergrande crash. The fad also coincides with the “white people food” trend, in which participants make simple meals like breakfasts with nuts, cereal and low-sugar fruits like blueberries paired with Greek yogurt.
- Reactions: While the trend has gone viral, some netizens are not too keen about it. One Xiaohongshu user stressed that some Chinese people simply would not be able to live a middle-class American lifestyle, especially workers “with a monthly salary of 8,000 yuan ($1,100) [who] can’t wake up at 6 a.m. for skincare and exercise.” Another commented, “I feel like I’m looking at a guide on how to look like the white lady soccer moms in the wealthy community near my home.”
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