TikToker reveals how she hides leftovers at all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant in viral video

By Iris Jung
A TikTok video of a diner at an all-you-can-eat restaurant has gone viral for revealing the sneaky ways she hides leftover sushi.
The TikTok, which was uploaded by Morgan Hanbery (@carelessmorgann) on Sunday, shows the customer filming the different ways she hides her leftovers.
“Have you ever been to all-you-can-eat sushi and you can’t finish the food? But they’ll double charge you,” Hanbery asks.
With laughter in the background, Hanbery reveals some of her leftover sushi rolls hidden in the restaurant’s condiment plates, while others are hidden in a soup-like condiment.
A day after the video was posted, Hanbery shared another video of the many foods she ate at the buffet, which included kani salad, dumplings, steak and fried rice, among other dishes.
The video has quickly gained traction, garnering over 577,700 views and 49,600 likes as of this writing.
Some TikTok users agreed with Hanbery’s methods to avoid the additional charge, while others suggested some hacks of their own.
“Yes girl I put it in a napkin and go take it to the bathroom and flush it,” one user said.
“I be putting it in a pyrex in my purse I have no decorum fr,” another wrote.
Other users shared similar stories of eating more than they can handle at all-you-can-eat restaurants.
“I remember once I literally shoved everything in my mouth and almost threw up when leaving,” a user confessed.
“I force it down,” another user shared.
However, some TikTok users were also critical of Hanbery’s actions.
“Have you ever thought maybe let’s not order as much just to waste it?” a user asked.
“Yaaay we love food waste,” another wrote.
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