Singaporean father-daughter duo’s ‘Aladdin’ dance wins the internet

By Bryan Ke
A Singaporean father-daughter duo’s performance of “A Whole New World” from “Aladdin” has gone viral on TikTok.
Jay Sng, 43, told Mothership that he unexpectedly became his 7-year-old daughter Jaylee’s dance partner in a competition after her dance school’s principal saw their rehearsal video. Sng said he was standing in as Aladdin to Jaylee’s Jasmine when they filmed their performance as her original partner was sick. “The rehearsal video was sent to the school principal and she was so moved, she said the ‘world’ needs to see the magic” Sng said, adding that he became the “old uncle dancing with the best in Singapore” two months later.
The video, which has amassed over 476,000 views, has touched many TikTok users, with one commenting, “Please, please recreate this when she gets married,” to which Sng replied, “But my back!”
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