The video games that most need anime adaptations, according to Japanese gamers

By Isa Peralta
Japanese gamers have voted for the video game titles that they think deserve anime adaptations.
In a recent poll conducted by Japanese website Anime! Anime! between Dec. 3, 2022, and Dec. 11, 2022, 1,609 gamers specified their top choices.
Third-person shooter game “Splatoon” took first place, followed by action role-playing game “Xenoblade Chronicles” in second and action-adventure game “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” in third.
“Undertale,” “Fire Emblem: Three Houses,” “Animal Crossing,” “Kingdom Hearts,” “Minecraft,” “Jack Jeanne” and “Buddy Mission Bond” took the No. 6 to No. 10 spots, respectively.
According to The Gamer, one fan noted that a “Splatoon” anime could potentially reveal more details about the world of Splatoon, as well as why squid and octopus people have replaced humanity as we know it. Meanwhile, other gamers believe that “Splatoon” would make for an exciting action anime.
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