Conservative journalist Andy Ngo wins $300,000 from 2019 milkshake attackers

By Carl Samson
Three defendants have been ordered to pay conservative journalist Andy Ngo $300,000 for their role in the infamous milkshake attack that left him with a brain injury in 2019.
The attack: Ngo, 36, was covering a protest organized by Rose City Antifa in Portland, Oregon, on June 29, 2019, when a mob began attacking him with eggs, containers and milkshakes reportedly infused with quick-dry cement. He was also punched, kicked and hit in the head with “plywood hard-edged sign placards” and “carbon-hardened tactical gloves,” as per his civil suit.
The aftermath: Ngô was hospitalized for multiple injuries, including lacerations, bruises and a brain hemorrhage. He also suffered short-term memory issues, post-traumatic stress disorder and persistent anxiety as he continued to receive multiple threats.
The compensation: On Monday, Multnomah County Circuit Judge Chanpone Sinlapasai ordered the trio of no-show defendants — Madison “Denny” Lee Allen, Corbyn “Katherine” Belyea and Sammich Overkill Schott-Deputy — to each pay $100,000 in damages. Two other defendants, John Hacker and Elizabeth Renee Richter, were found not liable earlier this month.
Ngô’s response: In a statement, Ngô, who now resides in London, described Monday’s victory as a “small vindication” after the “disappointing” verdict on Hacker and Richter. He said collecting the damages will be a “steep battle” due to the defendants’ history of evasion, but he remains “determined to hold Antifa and its members accountable for their violent attacks.”
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