Andrew Yang Sends Well-Wishes to Conservative Journalist Attacked in Portland

By Carl Samson
Andrew Yang offered his sympathy to fellow Asian American Andy Ngo,
Ngo, who works for the right-leaning website Quillette, was covering protests against the far-right group Proud Boys when several Antifa members threw eggs, milkshakes and rocks in his direction.
The journalist, who was also bear- and pepper-sprayed, ended up in the emergency room with injuries on his head and neck.
“Attacked by Antifa. Bleeding. They stole my camera equipment. No police until after. Waiting for ambulance. If you have evidence of [the] attack please help,” he said in a tweet.
The attack has since been condemned on social media, with notable reporters describing it as “reprehensible” and “unacceptable.”
“Even @MrAndyNgo’s critics should have no trouble saying this: The assault against him was unacceptable,” wrote CNN’s Brian Stelter.
“I hope @MrAndyNgo is okay. Journalists should be safe to report on a protest without being targeted.”
Ngo was released from the hospital on Sunday. Portland Police, who have arrested three people over the violent clashes, are still conducting investigations.
Yang’s message has received 60,000 likes and 12,000 comments as of this writing. Supporters, as well as others, praised him for speaking out on the matter:
Featured Images via Twitter / @MrAndyNgo (Left) and Instagram / @andrewyang2020 (Right)
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