Watch North Koreans Try American BBQ For The FIRST TIME

Coming from a country where consumption of meat is next to impossible, taking a bite at American barbecue must taste exactly like freedom.
That’s what North Korean defectors experienced in a new project by Digitalsoju, a team dedicated to making videos on food, culture and night life in Seoul.
In collaboration with Asian Boss, Digitalsoju aimed to highlight the “more light-hearted” side of the defectors:
“We wanted to show a more light-hearted side of North Korean defectors and we wanted to share their story in a slightly different format.”
In the reveal trailer released last week, snippets of the dining experience featuring Asian Boss’s Steve gave a glimpse of how North Koreans found American barbecue.
Diners were stunned as the meals were served on the table.
Their reactions are priceless.
The defectors shared how meat is so rarely served on a North Korean dining table that it’s wrong to ask how often they get to consume it. A female diner told Steve:
“That isn’t the right question to be asking. You should be asking ‘When have you eaten meat before?'”
Interestingly, a diner also shared that forks were taught to them as something used by “American bastards.”
“The word they used to describe a ‘fork’ was the same word as a farming tool used for moving around cow dung.”
Eating beef is also illegal in North Korea.
Netizens expressed relief at the defectors’ freedom:
“I hope that someday, North Korean citizens will be allowed to eat their fill with whatever they want.”
“I feel bad for these people, imagine living in a society where you can’t eat beef…”
“This is the first time a “___ tries ___” video has made me cry… May the day come when every North Korean citizen (and all other oppressed people) can sit down and eat their fill.”
Digitalsoju is posting the full video soon.
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