Here’s the $60 Tesla Watch Every Steampunk Fan is Going Crazy For

If you have a thing for steampunk aesthetics then ThinkGeek’s new Tesla Watch is the perfect timepiece for your wrist.
The analog watch features a 1-inch weathered brass face plate, rivets, a leather band and an “ornamental winding key” used to manually turn time.
ThinkGeek’s creation may not have the ability to check emails or notify you of new Tinder messages, but it’s unique and it is available for $59.99.
The watch comes with two vacuum tubes located on the top of the watch that light up with LED lights when the center lever is switched on.
The 304 stainless steel case is 1.6 inches in diameter and the leather wristband comes with a custom loop that easily stores the winding piece when it is not in use.
The LED lights operate on separate batteries than the minutes/hour hands, so you can leave on the lights without exhausting the central function of the watch. While the watch looks as sturdy as an industrial machine from 1875, both batteries will fail if submerged into water as the watch is not water-resistant.
Source: SlashGear
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