Here’s the Best Way to Say Thank You After a Job Interview

Some people think that thank you letters are obsolete — those may be the people not getting jobs.
Answering millions of questions about your past during a job interview is hardly what most would call an enjoyable experience, but even after you walk out of the interrogation room, there is more to do.
A resumé expert at Monster, Kim Isaacs, says that one of the most crucial parts of the interview process is the letter delivered after the interview is convened.
“Even if you think an offer is in the bag, you can always improve your chances of getting the job if you send a thank-you letter.”
While some claim that sending thank-you cards are an obsolete trend, most experts say not to really think of it as as a thank you. Alison Green, author of “How to Get a Job,” believes that most interviewers don’t care if you thank them. What she means is that the emphasis is not placed on the applicant’s ability to express gratitude but rather on the letter itself.
More than a thank you, the letter also serves as a recap, a way to demonstrate professionalism through the written word. There are plenty of templates across the internet that illustrate the type of professionalism Green proposes, but the best thank-you letter is one from the heart.
Not in a romantic way, of course — don’t get it twisted. Letters that are genuinely written are usually well received. Hiring managers have to sit at their desks a good portion of every week and read through thousands of applications, so, naturally, they become masters of weeding out the good from the bad, the pretty from the ugly, and when it comes to thank-you letters, the genuine from the automated.
So when you decide to sit down and brainstorm what to write, or perhaps things you wished you would have said in the interview, do not rush it. Take your time. Think, breathe, and let your personality takeover.
Consider templates if you get stuck on style or verbiage, but don’t resort to copying and pasting.
After you have written up a draft of your letter, make sure you revise it. Finish your letter strong and make sure there are no mistakes before you hit send or drop it into the mailbox.  After all, what could be worse than misspelling your potential employer’s name? Attention to detail is key.
Think of the entire process in baseball terms: your resumé is your starter, your interview is your reliever, and your thank-you letter is your closer.
Source: Fast Company
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