Harvard MBA Will Pay $10,000 For the Perfect Girlfriend in Alabama

Apparently the market for finding love in Birmingham, Alabama is not so kind, especially for one Harvard graduate with an MBA degree — maybe a $10,000 reward could turn things around?
Ren You, 29, is your typical employed, highly educated guy. He is a Harvard MBA who now works 12 hour days at New Capital Partners, a private equity firm. However, despite his promising credentials and countless attempts at finding love in his spare time, You just can’t find that special someone to have a lasting relationship with.
You has stepped up his game by creating his own decently assembled website where women can contact him for dates. The kicker is that he is willing to give give out a $10,000 reward to the person who connects him with with the woman of his dreams. Who ever said cupid doesn’t get paid? You thinks his cupid should be handsomely paid:
“If you introduce me to a girl and I date her for more than 6 months, I’ll pay you $10,000. It’s pretty simple. I save a ton of time on finding romantic prospects and going on bad dates. You make a bunch of money for something you might have done for a friend, just for fun.”
You became fed up with the online dating sites that led him believe he can find a perfect match, but have so far only ended in sub-par dates and terrible experiences.
AL.com said that You experienced a specific date where his match showed up with missing teeth and badgered him about his racial ethnicity.
It is not that You believes that dating websites don’t work, he just doesn’t believe they will work for him the way they say they can.
You sees that this whole premise can come off as schemey or weird, but he is confident in himself , he knows what he wants. He said on his website:
“Yeah, it really is (weird). But look at it this way: if you work 12 hours/day, how would you want to spend the few waking hours you have left? Probably not standing around in a bar with your fingers crossed. This is way more fun for me.”“Yeah, it really is. But look at it this way: if you work 12 hours/day, how would you want to spend the few waking hours you have left? Probably not standing around in a bar with your fingers crossed. This is way more fun for me.”
Although You is not the most picky guy in the world, he does have some qualifications that the woman of his dreams: She must be intellectually curious, find hypotheticals interesting, be physically attractive, and know the difference between astronomy and astrology.
There is, of course, always the issue that someone will just try to take advantage and date him for his money, but You isn’t worried, especially if he’s the one getting charmed for six months.
“Frankly, if two people – or at least one person – is willing to put in six months of basically full time work, charming me, and hanging out with me all the time, dating me and all this, and they’re successful at fooling me for six whole months, I think they’ve earned the five grand or whatever is their cut of the scam. That doesn’t actually concern me all that much.”
“It might fail spectacularly, but who knows,” You says.
Can You’s plan to find the woman of his dreams work? Or is he just another Asian sugar daddy in the making?
Source: DailyMail
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