The Billionaire Creator of Patrón Tequila Wears Black Every Day For One Reason

By Laura Dang
John Paul DeJoria, the co-founder of Patrón brand tequila and the John Paul Mitchell hair brand, wears black for a very important reason.
Dejoria, who has built a fortune of roughly $3.1 billion, was born into a poor immigrant household that settled in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, California.
The 71-year-old billionaire was once homeless and sold encyclopedias and pumped gasoline to make ends meet. He also collected recyclable bottles in exchange for cash at grocery stores to survive.
He told Farnoosh Torabi on the CNBC show “Follow the Leader” that he started wearing black because it hides stains well and saves him trips to the dry cleaners. Nowadays he continues to dress in all black head to toe including black pants, black shirt and black blazers. Torabi wrote:
“Wearing repeat outfits means he can spend less time and thought worrying about to wear. Instead he can apply those resources to more important things like family and business.”
Dejoria isn’t the only mega-successful billionaire with a predictable wardrobe. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs often sported trademark black turtlenecks and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s ultra-casual style has been well documented. Zuckerberg says having a basic outfit eliminates the additional expended energy needed to decide what to wear day to day. Instead, having less decisions to make on simple matters allows him to apply his efforts elsewhere.
h/t: Business Insider
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