Here’s What Happens When A Red Hot Ball of Nickel Meets a Nokia Phone

A new video tests the true strength of the unbreakable Nokia 3310 by setting a flaming ball of Nickel atop its surface.
Before the touch screen and even before the flip phone came the Nokia 3310 brick phone.
Not known for its flawless interface design or its ability to take amazing photos, the Nokia 3310 was at least resistant to accident damage.
If it fell three stories from a balcony, odds are it still worked; if it was dropped in the toilet, odds are it still worked; even if it was run over by a diesel truck, odds are it still worked.
While the Nokia 3310 was able to survive even the worst accidents a person could throw its way, it was not able to survive its filmed encounter with molten nickel, although it put up a surprisingly good fight.
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