Asian students in Maryland report highest rate of racial discrimination

Asian students in Maryland report highest rate of racial discriminationAsian students in Maryland report highest rate of racial discrimination
via RDNE
A new Maryland Department of Health survey reveals that Asian students in the state report the highest rate of poor treatment based on race. The survey, conducted in 2022, involved nearly 60,000 middle and high school students across Maryland.
  • Key findings: Sixty-two percent of Asian students reported feeling poorly treated due to their race, followed by 48% of Hispanic students, 46% of Black students and 22% white students. The survey also found that female and LGBTQ+ students were more likely to report mental health concerns and risky behaviors.
  • Overall feelings of sadness: The survey highlights the continued impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of Maryland youth, with over one-third of students reporting feeling sad or hopeless. The findings, however, show a decrease in reported feelings of sadness or hopelessness compared to the previous year.
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