Viral video shows cat in Malaysia ‘fixing’ a light bulb

By Bryan Ke
A cat in Malaysia has gone viral for fiddling with a loose light bulb and “fixing” it.
Key details: A TikTok video of the cat, which has garnered over 1.1 million views, was posted by user @annezack6 on Aug. 19.
“Fixing” the bulb: The 16-second clip shows a cat standing on its hind legs as it fiddles with an unlit light bulb above its head. The bulb flickers thrice before the cat taps it with a paw and seemingly fixes the faulty bulb.
Not the first time: TikTok user @annezack6 hints in the video’s onscreen text that this is not the first time the cat has “fixed” a light bulb.
“Fortunately, it has three years experience,” they wrote in Malay.
Social media reacts: Some TikTok users found the clip humorous, with one user noting that the cat’s “charges will be very expensive.”
Another user reminded everyone to be careful when attempting to fix light bulbs, writing, “Wear gloves on your hands… safety first.”
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