K-pop boy group’s first major award ends up for sale at Philippine flea market for $3

By Bryan Ke
A Filipino TikTok user upset several social media users after posting about a special K-pop trophy that their mother allegedly found at a flea market in the Philippines.
On Sunday, several K-pop fans quickly identified the award as appearing to be the first and only MAMA (Mnet Asian Music Awards) trophy that now-disbanded K-pop boy group B.A.P won back in 2012.
According to TikTok user @catrionabeanie, who has since deleted their post and their TikTok account, their mother found the “Mnet PD’s Choice” trophy at a second-hand store in the Philippines for around 4,000 Korean won (approximately $3).
In the video’s on-screen text, @catrionabeanie shared that their mother bought the trophy in 2020. At the time, they were still unfamiliar with K-pop and did not realize its possible significance.
“Y’all my mom bought this in 2020 and i never knew kpop before I know now kpop and I was shocked to know this –,” the TikTok user wrote.
B.A.P, which consisted of former members Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jong-up and Zelo before they parted ways with TS Entertainment in 2018 and 2019, made their debut in 2012.
While no other details were provided as to how the alleged MAMA trophy reached the Philippines, @catrionabeanie reportedly assured fans that they would look after the award at home.
Countless social media users were left confused and angered by what purportedly happened to the trophy, with one Twitter user writing, “This is heartbreaking.. a lot of hard work, sweat and long years of training went into achieving this trophy.”
“But…selling the award..its like their memories and the hardwork and all..why i felt so sad…” another Twitter user commented.
“At least it ended up on some good hands. op said they are taking care of it,” another user wrote.
“Why would their mom buy it…?” one user inquired, while another wrote, “Why did they sell it? Were they bankrupt or smth?”
Other Twitter users declared that @catrionabeanie should find a way to return the trophy to B.A.P.
“Should figure out a way to get it to one of the members,” one user wrote.
Another user tweeted, “I hope anyone who is in touch with this Tiktoker can try to tell her to find a way to get touch with one of the members of B.A.P and give it back, it’s not hers, she cannot keep it. The members received this reward by their hard work. A reward not easy to get. Don’t be selfish.”
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