Japan officially designates January 31 as ‘Final Fantasy VII Day’

Japan has officially designated January 31 as “Final Fantasy VII Day.”
The date marks 26 years since the classic Square Enix role-playing game’s (RPG) PlayStation 1 release in Japan.
The Japan Anniversary Association’s website’s description of the commemoration calls the game a “huge hit in Japan and overseas” and encourages people to play both the original game and “Final Fantasy VII Remake,” which was released in 2020.
The game’s official Twitter account announced the anniversary’s official registration in a tweet, along with a special message from “Final Fantasy” producer Yoshinori Kitase.
The 31st of January 1997, the day that FINAL FANTASY VII came out, was not just a significant day for the FINAL FANTASY series, but also marked when so many big things started moving for those of us who worked on the game.
I remember being overwhelmed at the breakneck speed with which video game technology was evolving, but also dreaming big things for the future.
With the establishment of this official anniversary day, I will now always remember these things, and hold them dearly in my heart.
Beyond working on “Final Fantasy” titles, including directing “Final Fantasy VII” and producing its remake, Kitase is also known for producing the time-bending RPG “Chrono Trigger”
“Final Fantasy VII Remake,” the first of a planned trilogy of games remaking the 1997 classic, is due for a sequel this year.
The sequel, titled “Final Fantasy VII Rebirth,” is slated for release in winter.
See the trailer down below:
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