Intern Tries to Fool Boss With Sticky Note, Fails Miserably

A hilarious sticky note allegedly written by a not-so-bright intern has been floating around Reddit recently under the title, “We sent out our intern to buy sticky notes. He’s not a very bright kid.
Thinking that he was clever, the intern, expecting his boss to only find it long after he had departed, reportedly wrote on the last page of a yellow sticky note bundle:
“By the time you read this, I’ll be long gone from this shit hole. I hope you enjoyed bossing me around, I bet you felt real good about yourself. Well I wonder how you feel now knowing I spat in your coffee everyday.”
Of course, as with every letter that surfaces on the internet there is speculation concerning its legitimacy, but then again, we’ve probably all run into the kind of bitter young intern who would actually pull this kind of stunt.
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