Chinese Men Now Banned From Endorsing Maxi Pads by New Law
A new Chinese law forbids men from endorsing maxi pads and has additional regulations that will transform the advertising industry in China.
The new law is being called the “toughest advertising law to be passed in China” and is centered around acceptable language and celebrity endorsements, according to the Nan Fang.
One of the provisions set forth in the law forbids advertisers from using words like:
- “most” or “best” (“most popular”, “most advanced”, “most luxurious”)
- “first” or “one” (“No. 1”, “country’s top”)
- “authority” (“recommended by Chinese leaders”, “recommended by Chinese institutions”)
- “national” or “capital” (“international standards”, “national level”)
Celebrities are also banned from endorsing health care products. In order to endorse a product, the celebrity must have actually used the product. This directly affects items such as maxi pads and other feminine products not intended for use by males.
Freemore Maxi Pads released what will be known as the last male-endorsed maxipad commercial with Taiwanese star Jiro Wang as the celebrity endorser.
The law’s new restrictions include forbidding child stars under the age of 10 from promoting products. The law states that children under 10 lack “independent judgement” and promotion at such a young age impairs their “physical and psychological health.”
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