There’s a New Chinese ‘Barbecue Goddess’ Going Viral on WeChat

WeChat users have found a new “hot worker” to obsess about — meet the “Barbecue Goddess.” While the exact location of her barbecue stand is unknown, her picture was taken in the Eastern port city of Qingdao, China.
Enchanted WeChat users ask questions like, “Who can tell me where this is?”, “What is the legendary barbecue goddess’s WeChat address?”, or slightly less creepy statements like, “For a face like that, I could buy dozens of chuàn.”
This new barbecue goddess just adds to the growing list of hot workers that so far includes the McDonald’s Goddess, Cafeteria Goddess #1, Cafeteria Goddess #2, and of course the various hot street worker guys.
To say the least, China could really use a proper dating culture.
h/t: Shanghaiist
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