70-year-old grandfather from China amazes with his physique and fitness routine

A 70-year-old grandfather from China is taking social media by storm and inspiring viewers with his amazing physique and disciplined fitness routine.
Going viral: Zou Heping, who hails from Chongqing, has attracted widespread attention for his extraordinary fitness and youthful physique. Despite his age, Zou’s body resembles that of a much younger person’s, with a full head of black hair and well-defined eight-pack abs. Known as the “magic monkey” of Gele Mountain, his dedication to intense fitness and healthy living has inspired onlookers, with many sharing videos and images of Zou online.
“A 70-year-old ‘reverse growth’ fitness guru from Chongqing! He has long black hair, a body fat rate of 3% and a body full of tendons,” one of the captions of the viral video reads.
Zou’s fitness journey: Zou reportedly began his fitness journey in 1979 after reading about the importance of running in a magazine. Throughout the past 45 years, he has steadfastly adhered to a healthy lifestyle. His daily routine involves waking up at 5:30 a.m., carrying a load of water weighing 44 pounds during his morning run, doing weighted pull-ups, pole climbing and handstands and utilizing Gele Mountain’s natural features for a comprehensive workout before going to work at 8 a.m.
Life’s a climb: Gele Mountain, standing at 678 meters (2,224 feet) with over 2,500 steps to its summit, serves as Zou’s outdoor gym. His exercise regimen includes unique techniques such as frog-jumping uphill for limb coordination and an alligator-style crawl downhill to minimize knee impact. The demanding mountain regimen takes Zou one hour to ascend and 50 minutes to descend, showcasing his endurance that surpasses what is typically expected for a septugenarian.
Age-defying secrets: Due to his physique, many have questioned his age-defying secrets.
“Everywhere I go, people ask me my age, whether my hair is a wig or dyed, what I eat, how I built my muscles… I answer all these questions. I’m tired of it,” Zou shared.
Zou claims to avoid health supplements, emphasizing the importance of exercise, maintaining a normal diet and abstaining from vices such as smoking and drinking. His youthful physique continues to inspire online admiration, noting the belief that age is not a limit and how a healthy lifestyle contributes to everlasting youthfulness.
“Life lies in running, and the most important thing is to exercise, preserve your fitness and develop a good lifestyle,” Zou said.
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