Artist Makes a Spectacular Anime Version of ‘Zootopia’

Artist Makes a Spectacular Anime Version of ‘Zootopia’Artist Makes a Spectacular Anime Version of ‘Zootopia’
Bryan Ke
November 28, 2018
A dedicated fan reimagined what the naked yoga scene from Disney’s “Zootopia” would look like if the computer-animated movie was turned into an anime.
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While the original movie shows the characters as animals with human traits, the fan-made clip — titled “What if ‘Zootopia’ was an anime (4K)” and created by Mike Inel — depicts the characters as humans with a few animal characteristics remaining.
Lead characters Officer Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, for example, only possess bunny and fox ears, respectively.
The yoga scene occurs when Hopps and Wilde investigate a case and stumble into a naturalist club, where members perform yoga and live their lives without any clothes on.
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In the original “Zootopia” scene, Disney did not censor the animals’ bodies, but the fan-made clip went the extra mile.
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Inel also provided a side-by-side comparative version of the two animations.
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There are several Easter Eggs in the fan-made clip, including some favorites from other animated TV shows, movies and video games.
For those who are wondering if they can see the clip without the censorship, the creator of the fan-made video wrote in the YouTube description that an uncensored version is “coming soon.”
Images Screenshot via YouTube / Mike Inel
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