Japanese Man Dated a Cockroach For a Year and Ate Her When She D‌i‌e‌‌d

Japanese Man Dated a Cockroach For a Year and Ate Her When She D‌i‌e‌‌dJapanese Man Dated a Cockroach For a Year and Ate Her When She D‌i‌e‌‌d
A man in Japan dated a cockroach for a year before eating its body when it di‌e‌‌d.
In the midst of the unconventional relationship, Yuta Shinohara, 25, fantasized about having s‌e‌‌x with “Lisa” — his body shrinking to her size or hers enlarging to his.
Shinohara has been an entomophagist — someone who eats insects — since childhood but only “came out” in 2013 after the United Nations released a report endorsing insects as edible sources of protein.
Image via YouTube / Asian Boss
“When I read this article, I thought it was persuasive since it’s from the U.N.,” Shinohara told Hiroko of Asian Boss. “And if I ever need to defend myself from criticism, I can use that article, and because of that, I was able to ‘come out.’”
Image via Instagram / y.shino.earth
At present, Shinohara spreads entomophagy through a variety of dishes he develops from scratch — the most popular of which is a cricket ramen. So far, he has served some 7,000 bowls at a local restaurant.
Image via Instagram / y.shino.earth
“I haven’t had any negative comments so far,” Shinohara said. “Some people commented that they’re no longer scared of crickets. I felt good about people trying my cricket ramen and suddenly changing how they see things.”
Image via Instagram / y.shino.earth
However, Shinohara’s enthusiasm for insects extends from the kitchen to more interesting places such as his heart. Apparently, he dated a cockroach for a year.
“Her name is Lisa,” Shinohara revealed. “It was about one year. After all, it was break up by d‌e‌a‌‌t‌h in her case. Her lifespan was very short. So, the day she passed away was difficult.”
Image via YouTube / Asian Boss
Shinohara bought Lisa, who was farm-raised from Africa. When asked if they had communicated, he confessed, “It could’ve been my imagination since I got too attached over time that I started to feel as if we were communicating.”
Image via YouTube / Asian Boss
As someone in a relationship, Shinohara admitted times when he dreamt of having s‌e‌x with his six-legged girlfriend.
“Lisa was my first love. I pictured doing it with her many times,” he said. “I know it’s impossible, but I imagined a world where cockroaches are supersized, or I become smaller.”
Image via YouTube / Asian Boss
While Lisa’s demise was a sad occasion, Shinohara found a way to keep her spirit alive in him.
“I knew [Lisa’s de‌at‌h] had to come since she was a cockroach with a short lifespan. With that in mind, I ate her in reverence. So now, Lisa lives in my heart and continues living as a part of my body.”
Image via YouTube / Asian Boss
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