Woman in Singapore Finds Out Her Boyfriend Impregnated the Maid She Fired

Woman in Singapore Finds Out Her Boyfriend Impregnated the Maid She FiredWoman in Singapore Finds Out Her Boyfriend Impregnated the Maid She Fired
A woman in Singapore was devastated after learning her long-time boyfriend had an affair with a domestic helper she had already “sent home.”
The woman, who declined to identify herself, moved to Singapore from China with her boyfriend more than 10 years ago, eventually having a daughter of their own.
Since both of them work, they hired an Indonesian helper in 2017 to help take care of their daughter, the woman told Lianhe Wanbao.
Two years later, the woman’s child blurted out that “Daddy hugged kakak” — a Malay/Indonesian term for “older sister” — sending her into a spiral of suspicion. The couple reportedly got into fights, and while her boyfriend maintained that nothing was going on, the woman remained wary of a secret affair.
Her boyfriend allegedly insisted to drive the helper and their daughter to school. He drove the helper back home despite the walkable short distance.
The Indonesia helper was employed in late 2017. Image via Lianhe Wanbao
With escalating concerns, the woman fired the helper before her contract’s expiration, “personally sending her to the airport” and “making sure that she went in.” Shortly after, she noticed that her boyfriend no longer cooked for her and their daughter, and continued to go out regularly.
Ever suspicious, she decided to snoop on her boyfriend’s phone one day — and discovered that their former helper was still in Singapore. To her horror, she also found out that the Indonesian national had given birth to her boyfriend’s baby in May.
The woman’s boyfriend reportedly extended their former maid’s contract behind her back. She also learned that the foreigner had been posting photos of expensive gifts from her “lover” on social media.
Enraged, the woman reported the matter to the police. However, they told her they had “no reason” to arrest her former helper, so she headed to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
Foreigners under a work permit are not allowed to get pregnant or deliver a child in Singapore unless they are married to a citizen or permanent resident. They are also required to secure the MOM’s approval before such marriage.
Violating any condition of a work pass is punishable by fines of up to 10,000 Singaporean dollars ($7,431), imprisonment of up to one year or both. Employers who know about their helper’s pregnancy but fail to report it could also forfeit their security bond, according to AsiaOne.
The MOM has since launched an investigation into the case.
“The Ministry of Manpower is aware of the case and is investigating both the employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) for offences under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act,” a spokesperson said, according to Mothership.
Feature Image via Lianhe Wanbao
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