UCLA Freshman Sends Insane List of Demands to Roommates Before Meeting Them

College is a great time to make friends, especially when one gets to live with roommates in dorms.
But for two UCLA students, one particularly aggressive roommate might make their dorm experience less than enjoyable with her insane list of demands — and they haven’t even met her yet.
Winnie Chen
Seventeen-year-old Winnie Chen and 18-year-old Guistinna Tun were shocked as they read an email from a woman identified only as Ashly, their new roommate, detailing arrangements she wanted.
When Chen and Tun failed to respond to Ashly’s first email, they received another strongly-worded email two days later, according to Daily Mail. Chen eventually posted the message to Twitter.
Ashly began:
“Okay so I’m not sure why neither of you responded back to my emails, but I don’t really care just as long as you both know this and understand that I’m not gonna settle for anything less than what I’m gonna tell you that I’m gonna get once I arrive in the dorm.”
She went on to specify her demands: top of the bunk bed, white closet and desk near the window. She also recognized the tone of her message, saying “sorry but not sorry for the attitude.”
Guistinna Tun
Chen later updated her followers with Tun’s response, which explained why Ashly received no feedback and listed things they “don’t appreciate”:
On the other hand, Ashly pointed that she’s “also really chill too.” She explained having anger issues, low tolerance and patience that “isn’t high at all.”
Then again, it seems the girls are headed to compromise. In her “final update,” Chen said housing had not responded to her request, so she is “stuck with the Ticking Time Bomb.”
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