Watching People Do Homework is Now a Thing in Japan

By Bryan Ke
There’s a new trend going on in Japan where thousands of netizens are getting hooked at watching regular people — or even popular YouTubers — study and do their homework.
A morning show in Japanese recently reported how young people in the country do their homework while the clip plays in the background, according to Kotaku.
One of the clips that were reportedly featured in the show was by Hajime Shacho, an incredibly famous YouTuber from Japan with over 6.1 million subscribers on the video sharing platform. The clip that they showed was apparently from the video that the YouTuber took and published in 2016, said in the report.
Study clips — or “benkyou douga” in Japanese — have been very popular for students in Japan.
Some people title their videos something inviting, like “Issho ni benkyou shoyou” or “Let’s Study Together.”
This trend, however, is not a Japan-only thing or not necessarily exclusive to Japanese YouTubers. Some English-speaking online personalities have also joined the trend and published their own videos on the platform.
There’s no definite description or explanation for this trend, aside from the fact that some people tend to get very lonely when they are studying or doing their homework alone. With these videos, they don’t feel isolated anymore, as the person in the video can become their instant “study buddy.”
Featured image via YouTube / Chillhop Radio
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