YouTuber Responds to Celeste Ng’s Article on ‘Being H‌a‌‌r‌‌‌a‌‌s‌‌s‌‌e‌‌‌d For Marrying a White Man’

YouTuber Responds to Celeste Ng’s Article on ‘Being H‌a‌‌r‌‌‌a‌‌s‌‌s‌‌e‌‌‌d For Marrying a White Man’YouTuber Responds to Celeste Ng’s Article on ‘Being H‌a‌‌r‌‌‌a‌‌s‌‌s‌‌e‌‌‌d For Marrying a White Man’
A female Asian YouTuber has weighed in on a recent article written by author Celeste Ng in which she discussed the har‌a‌ss‌me‌nt of some Asian women who marry non-Asian men.
‌In the piece she wrote for The Cut, Ng noted how Asian men have critic‌iz‌ed her simply because she has a White husband and a multiracial son.
While many Asian men and women cheered her for speaking out against such h‌ar‌‌as‌sme‌nt, many some have criticized the article for not addressing key issues, such as the reasons why “a lot of women exclusively date White men.”
Now YouTuber Vivien Vuong has aired her take on the matter, sharing her own story on how she dealt with similar criticisms she received from Asian men online.
“This happened to me a couple of months ago when I started becoming more active on social media. As an Asian woman, like Celeste Ng and Esther Ku, I got exposed on (the sub-reddit) Asian Identity,” Vuong opened.
“Someone dug through my history and found some old dirt and posted it. I felt so humiliated. I deleted my account.”
Vuong then revealed how she reacted to the criticism and learned from her experience.
“A month later, I went on Asian Identity to apologize. I tried my best to own up to my past mistakes and you should have seen the sh*t they said to me.”
Tearing up, she states that,Even after I apologized, I didn’t deserve the way they forgave me.”
“Those f****** miso‌g‌y‌nists, right?” she says sarcastically. “Moral of the story: Don’t be a victim-playing, scapegoating, gaslighting c***.”
After immersing herself in these “so-called Asian female hating spaces,” she revealed that the men that criticized her before were “actually very positive and supportive.”
“So I messaged Celeste, letting her know that as an Asian woman on these spaces, she was wrong. And this girl blocked me,” Vuong said. “Because Celeste is not interested in Asian women’s experiences, only her own and those who agree with her.”
Vuong further condemned Ng for “spreading lies and accusations,” alleging that she “wants the world to pity her and to hate Asian men by painting them out as these evil villains when they’re not.”
She also blasted Ng for disregarding other female voices who hold opposing view.
“Every time one of us sisters speaks out against her lies, she erases our voices. She pretends we don’t exist, only ever focusing on our men.”
Vuong further berated Ng’s use of the “m‌iso‌gyn‌ist” label toward her critics.
“You are the one who perpetuates the s‌ex‌i‌st narrative that Asian men have all the agency and Asian women are just perpetual vic‌ti‌ms. So tell me again, who’s the one who’s se‌xi‌st?”
In the video, which ran a little over six minutes, Vuong also encouraged fellow Asian women to reconsider painting all Asian men as “m‌iso‌gy‌nist and patriarchal.”
“We don’t have to hate each other. There’s a better way than living in perpetual distrust and divide from our brothers.”
While she admitted to her own “internal racism” in the past, she recognized how the men Ng painted as mi‌sog‌yn‌ists have eventually accepted her.
“All we are is a family simply trying to make sense of the racism in the world around us to heal to bond and to move forward.”
Featured image via YouTube/Vivien Vuong
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