Vietnamese Dad Insulted By Company for His English Gets Apology, Hiring Manager Fired

Nearly 24 hours after Emily Huynh tweeted a racist email from a potential employer to her father, the company has stated that the offending employee has been fired.
“As the employer of Mr. Peterson, please accept my sincere apologies for the communication sent by Mr. Peterson to you,” begins company owner Kevin Bus in an emailed statement to the Huynhs. “Mr. Peterson’s communication was inappropriate and inconsistent with our company’s values. Our company is an equal opportunity employer and it is proud of its diverse workforce. Indeed, the majority of the employees performing the work for which you applied speak English as a second language and they represent a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities. While it is true that communicating effectively in English is an important part of the job in question, the manner in which Mr. Peterson communicated with you was highly inappropriate and following our investigation he is no longer employed with the company. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I hope will accept our sincere apology.”
Bus also emailed Nextshark the following in addition to the same statement:
“As the employer of Bruce Person I have been made aware of Mr. Peterson’s communication to one of our job applicants, Mr. Huynh. I have already contacted Mr. Huynh to express my sincere apologies…I hope your readers truly can accept our sincere apologies for such an insensitive remark.”
Huynh says that she and her father have accepted Bus’ apology and are glad that the company decided to take this course of action.
“We accept the apology but we just hope that he has learned from his ignorance,” Huynh told Nextshark.
As for her father, Huynh says he’s been surprised by the support he and his family have received.
“Update: he’s reading his article and is overwhelmed by the amount of support everyone is giving him!” she said in a tweet with an attached video of her father reading the article.
Netizens were happy that the Huynh’s story reached the desired conclusion.
Here’s to hoping Minh Huynh’s job search goes a lot more smoothly after this!
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