Vietnamese People Have a Drink That’s WAY Better Than Eggnog

It’s the holiday season! Exciting!

And while all our friends are making gingerbread cookies and drinking egg nog, we’re over here enjoying the real holiday beverage — soda sua hot ga.

Wait, you don’t know what soda sua hot ga is?

Have a seat and learn about the greatness that is soda sua hot ga, also known as egg soda.

Don’t get us wrong, we love egg nog as much as the next guy, but taking one look at its calorie count is enough to give you a heart attack — if the heavy cream doesn’t do that first, that is. It’s sickeningly sweet, it’s not healthy, and it’s t h i c c af … just not in the good way.

And then there’s egg soda.
It’s creamy. It’s frothy. It’s festive.
And it’s downright delicious.
So what’s the difference?
Soda sua hot ga, which literally translates to “soda, milk, egg yolk”, is lighter and tastes more like a dessert with a twist — fizz. The added soda, when combined with the sweetness of milk and egg, basically creates a bubbly egg custard beverage that goes down easy, unlike egg nog which can feel like drinking melted ice cream.
Egg soda takes less than a minute to make; by mixing egg yolks, condensed milk, and club soda together over ice and stirring vigorously, egg soda can easily become a holiday party favorite and is sure to please even the pickiest of guests.
For those concerned about the raw egg factor, Rosie Tran of Pho Saigon says not to worry — so long as you stick to the proper ingredients. “The club soda cooks the egg yolk so that you don’t have problems with salmonella,” Tran advised.
Unconvinced? Try it yourself! Mai Pham at Extra Crispy offers this tasty recipe:
- large or 2 small egg yolks
- 2 heaping tablespoons of condensed milk
- 1 can of club soda
- Ice
- Powdered cinnamon powder (optional)
- Powdered nutmeg (optional)
- Vanilla extract (optional)
- Add 1 generous tablespoons of condensed milk into a tall, 12-ounce glass or larger. Add 1 large egg yolk or 2 small yolks. Pour club soda into glass, stirring quickly until yolk, condensed milk and soda water are evenly mixed and at least a 1/2 inch of froth appears at the top of the glass. Pour over ice and serve.
- For a more eggnog-like flavor, add a couple drops of vanilla extract, stir, then sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg powder.
Check out another step-by-step video below to see how it’s done!

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