UCI Student Assaulted in Drive-By Boba Tea Attack

A student from the University of California, Irvine, was reportedly victimized by an unusual “drive-by boba tea attack” while walking home late at night after her finals exam last Friday.
Ana Dominguez
Unknown pranksters riding a Dark BMW, license plate 6VDO031, threw boba tea at 21-year-old student Ana Dominguez while she was walking on Stanford St. right in front of Trader Joe’s.
According to Dominguez, three Asian men, and one Caucasian driver pulled on the side of the road near her at around 10 p.m. and attacked her with the beverage before speeding off. She added that her attackers were laughing during the incident.
She immediately notified the Irvine Police department about the incident but said she did not get a satisfying response.
“My phone call was somehow transferred,” Dominguez told The Tab. “The first officer that answered the phone asked if it was an emergency and I told him I just wanted to report and incident, and he asked to put me on hold for about 2 minutes. When he got back to me he told me he would transfer me back to UCI PD, which I thought it was strange because I called UCI PD directly.”
Dominguez said she was a bit bothered how the officer who took her report handled the incident.
“Although it was not a life or death situation, they were not on top of answering their phone calls and gathering information. I had to be the first to answer the question before they even asked.”
After she provided all the details, including the license plate number, she was assured that they would send someone over to check the area.
“This raises my concern because there is no follow up on how serious they might take the situation or if they actually found the people that I described to them.”
“Thankfully I am okay but I really wish they show more concern for students safety,” she was quoted as saying. “It happened late at night, almost 10 pm, and as a female I should not have to encounter situations like that when I walk home from school or work.”
She told NextShark that while others were ridiculing her for reporting the issue, it did not bother her as her main concern was to warn others. According to her, multiple girls have already been attacked. Other victims, some of whom were Asian girls, were thrown water balloons and eggs. She added that she was the only one who reported about it.
Images via Irvine Company, Richy
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