Twitch streamer Emiru reacts angrily to viewer asking her whether she is Asian or Asianfishing

By Ryan General
Twitch streamer and cosplayer Emily “Emiru” Schunk became visibly irked during a recent livestream after a viewer posed an unusual question.
Schunk was reacting to some videos shared by her viewers when a commenter on the Twitch chat left the 24-year-old streamer in momentary shock as it directly questioned her ethnicity.
Shortly after, Schuck further addressed viewers by saying, “Yeah, I probably look Asian because I am Asian! Isn’t that f*cking weird how that works?”
The message seemed to have angered the streamer, who had to calm herself down with a drink before finally calling the commenter a “TikTok frog.”
Schunk has received similar insinuations from viewers in the past. Earlier this year, a viewer criticized her for not “sounding Asian.” In response, she spoke to her viewers in Mandarin.
On Reddit, users discussing the incident highlighted that the viewer’s question might have been a reference to “Asianfishing,” the act in which non-Asian people use makeup, photo editing or clothing to look more Asian.
In December, Ariana Grande was widely accused of “Asianfishing” after photos of her, in which the shapes of her eyes appeared to have been altered, surfaced online.
Featured Image via Emiru
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