‘Cards Against Humanity’ Introduced a ‘President Trump Survival Bag’ That Sold Out In One Day

Donald Trump has a real chance to seize the presidency and the makers of Cards Against Humanity,  America’s beloved “party game for horrible people,” are taking matters into their own hands.
They are preparing for the worst and hoping their fellow citizens are too. That’s why they are selling their very own Donald Trump Bug-Out Bag that began advertising yesterday.
“In President Trump’s America, you and your family will wander desolate highways, taking shelter in burnt-out automobiles as you try to escape the Red Dust that carpets the landscape. You will exist in a constant state of fear. You will wish you had the tools to start fires in the terrifying night, the means to defend yourself from the ever-circling jackals, and the currency to buy protection from the roving gangs that thrive in the shadow of Eternal Leader Trump’s regime.”
The survival kit is priced at $25 and includes lifesaving equipment in the chance that Trump actually becomes president. The website advertises their “durable black duffle bag” as “suitable for travel in a radioactive wasteland.” There are a total of 12 items in the bag including a gas mask, a can of beans, foreign currency, a harmonica and a gold locket with a picture of Obama. CAH co-founder Max Temkin told Mashable:
“We’re actually losing money on this, we’re just doing it because we think it’s important tovprepare the public for the collapse of the Republic after Trump seizes power.”
The Cards Against Humanity makers even included a copy of Plato’s Republic “so that you can contemplate the ultimate folly of democracy.” Of course, these prepared individuals will also have a special “Trump pack” of 25 cards for their Card Against Humanity game. Unfortunately, it appears that their Donald Trump Bug-Out Bags have sold out. The makers announced:
“All 10,000 bags have sold out. When Donald Trump is elected President, you will perish in the wasteland. Sorry.”
Temkin also added in the end:
“I beg Glorious Leader Trump for mercy, and ask him to forgive my family. They had nothing to do with this.”
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