Donald Trump’s Nuclear Review Proposal Needed 3 Tries to Get Asian Geography Right

Donald Trump’s Nuclear Review Proposal Needed 3 Tries to Get Asian Geography RightDonald Trump’s Nuclear Review Proposal Needed 3 Tries to Get Asian Geography Right
The United States’ Department of Defense was forced to repeatedly take down and revise President Donald Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review after discovering several major errors including Taiwan being part of China and North Korea’s flag covering the whole Korean peninsula.
The review’s first draft, which was leaked to The Huffington Post earlier in January, showed a grave error that labeled the entire Korean peninsula as “North Korea” when it superimposed the flag of the hermit nation on the entire peninsula.
Screenshot via Huffington Post
After the first draft, this horrible mistake was fixed and the Pentagon published the revised version of the Nuclear Posture Review online. However, the Japan Times had noticed that other errors were still present even in the revised version of the review.
According to the report published over the weekend, the U.S. DOD removed the review from its website after it was noticed that Taiwan was mistakenly labeled as part of China. A spokesperson from the Pentagon admitted this error through a statement to the Times on Saturday.
The review also mislabeled the Kuril islands, which are currently being disputed by Russia and Japan, as part of the former’s territory. According to Quartz, the archipelago is under Russia’s jurisdiction but the two islands further south are claimed by Japan.
AFter a total of three finalized revisions, here’s the final version of the image from the review:
Screenshot via U.S. Department of Defense
Though an honest mistake, it will add to friction with Asian allies,” senior fellow and the director of the Defense Posture Project at the Federation of American Scientists, Adam Mount, said, who is also one of the nuclear experts who noticed the error in the first draft, CNN reported.
After a year in which the President has insulted and antagonized South Korea, it’s just one more log on the fire. I imagine it led to a very awkward phone call with our Asian allies,” he continued.
Featured image screenshot via Huffington Post (Left), U.S. Department of Defense (Right)
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