Tracy Morgan Helps Chinese Restaurant in NYC by Ordering Food for 20 People

By Bryan Ke
Comedian Tracy Morgan supported a Chinese restaurant in New York City by attracting customers to go through the door and ordering food for 20 people.
The inspiring moment was captured at Ollie’s Noodle Shop & Grille on Broadway by Jerry Ma, who shared the video on Facebook, he told NextShark.
In his Facebook post, Ma said he was on his way home when he decided to buy dinner from a local Chinese restaurant to support Asian-owned businesses currently suffering from the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
As he entered the restaurant, he heard a man raving about Ollie’s pepper steak and about what is currently happening globally.
“Turns out it’s Tracy Morgan… [and] he literally gives a 30 minute routine for anyone in the restaurant. Telling them there’s nothing to be afraid of here. Ordered food for like 20 people and got more customers in there. It was pretty amazing,” he wrote.
“I stood there the entire time with my food in my hands…just watching [and] laughing my ass off,” he added. “He was talking about how many zillions of dollars he made from TV… or was it the 18 wheeler that hit him at 75mph and that Obama was after his wife at one point.”
Speaking to NextShark, Ma said Morgan, whose tour was canceled due to the virus, “didn’t say anything about racism, but he kept mentioning that it wasn’t because of the Chinese.”
Feature Image (left) via Jerry Ma, (right) via @tracymorgan
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