Tourists Take Epic Instagram Photos as Locals Flee Erupting Volcano in Bali

Tourists Take Epic Instagram Photos as Locals Flee Erupting Volcano in BaliTourists Take Epic Instagram Photos as Locals Flee Erupting Volcano in Bali
Ryan General
December 4, 2017
Mount Agung, a volcano in Bali, Indonesia, has been filling the skies with fumes composed of ash, sulfur, and carbon dioxide emissions for a week now and locals are bracing for an imminent and powerful eruption.
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Some tourists, however, view the disaster an opportunity to capture the perfect selfie.
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The volcano has erupted twice recently and its tremors alone caused the relocation of over 100,000 residents. According to the Sun, around 120,000 travelers were stranded after the nearby airport was shut down. Larger eruptions threaten not only the air quality of the surrounding area but also the livelihood of the locals who live there.
On November 26, lahars were reported in the Selat district south of the volcano. Locals watched as mudflow swept away rice fields.
Yet, despite the gravity of the situation, some tone-deaf tourists thought the calamity that may cause serious harm and damage to locals is worthy of an Instagram selfie, the New York Post reports.
Fancy a sexy pose with a backdrop that could be potentially catastrophic to others? Here you go:
via Instagram / karina.kapris
via Instagram / echo_aroundtheworld
How about a romantic shot with your sweetheart amid an impending disaster? Adorable or insensitive?
via Instagram / dopingagen
via Instagram /
Maybe a picture of calm amid the chaos? Perfect yoga shot or plain display of callousness?
via Instagram /
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How about a victory/peace sign while the locals scamper off to safety? Picturesque or utterly tasteless?
via Instagram / baliusa
Experts fear an impending catastrophe similar to that of Mount Agung’s eruption in 1963, one of the largest and most devastating volcanic eruptions in Indonesia’s history. The disaster devastated numerous villages, killing an estimated 1,100–1,500 people.
Feature image via Instagram baliusa
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