Japanese man sets off fireworks at Tokyo’s Shibuya Scramble Crossing

By Ryan General
A man in Japan was filmed setting off fireworks at Tokyo’s Shibuya Scramble Crossing, one of the busiest pedestrian crossings in the world.
Based on witnesses’ accounts, the man discharged around 50 fireworks on Monday at around 10 p.m., according to SoraNews24.
In a video of the incident, fireworks shoot up into the sky as the perpetrator crosses the crowded crossing. While some nearby pedestrians flee for their safety, others appear unfazed and keep on walking.
While the man appears to aim upwards in the video, one of his rockets can be seen shooting out vertically, marginally missing a few pedestrians. No one was injured following the stunt, according to reports.
After the fireworks run out, the man starts screaming through a megaphone, reportedly expressing his discontent with the world. A traffic enforcement officer can then be seen halting traffic before running toward the man. Shortly after, two police officers apprehend the man with the traffic enforcement officer offering assistance.
Investigators later revealed that the man, who is in his 30s and self-employed, aimed to “stand out,” according to reports.
The incident remains under investigation.
Featured Image via 日テレNEWS
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