TikTok user slams Louisiana Asian restaurant for allegedly ignoring Black customers: ‘Why are Asians like this?’

By Bryan Ke
A Black TikTok user alleged she and her companion were ignored by staff members at an Asian buffet restaurant in Lake Charles, Louisiana, in a viral video uploaded earlier this month.
In her two-minute video uploaded on Oct. 7, which has garnered over 241,000 views and 21,000 likes as of this writing, TikTok user Coach Toni (@coachtonifreeny) claims the restaurant’s employees purposely ignore her table while tending to others.
Toni shows a plate of food waste at the side of her table that has yet to be picked up. Even though at least one server allegedly looked at her table, Toni claims no one took the plate.
“Stop saying Black people don’t tip!” she wrote in her post’s caption. “We always leave big tips but don’t tolerate this unacceptable service. Why are Asians like this? Someone please tell me because it happens too dang often.”
Around one minute into the video, one of the staff members can be seen going to the table behind Toni’s to pick up plates. “She walked right past, looked over here and kept going,” the TikTok user can be heard saying.
Right before the video ends, the same worker can be seen walking past Toni’s table – and even seemingly making eye contact with her – but does not take her plate of food waste away.
“I spoke to management and she was disciplined,” the viral video’s onscreen text reads in part.
Several TikTok users commented on her post, with one user writing, “It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. They think we don’t tip so they don’t give us service and then we don’t tip.”
“Kudos for letting management know. Too often we just leave without tipping and thats all management is made aware of, contributing to the stereotype,” another user commented.
Some netizens also wrote about similar experiences, with one saying, “Girl, been there. My husband and I went through the same thing. Left her 30 cents, because they won’t remember no tip, but they will remember that.”
“This happened to me recently on my anniversary too. Everyone but us was greeted / acknowledge. SMH,” another said.
Others wrote that whenever they are ignored, they sometimes leave their used plates on a clean table nearby.
Featured Image via @coachtonifreeney
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