‘Tiger Mom’ Amy Chua’s Daughter Shares 26 Tips for Studying ‘Like a Harvard Student’

By Carl Samson
Sophia Chua-Rubenfield, daughter of writer and
Sophia graduated from Harvard University with a degree in Philosophy in 2015.

Just recently, she finished her Juris Doctor program at Yale University.

Speaking to NextShark in 2016, Sophia spoke in defense of her mom’s book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” which documented her “traditional ‘Chinese’ upbringing.”
The book reveals some of the rules Amy had set for Sophia and her sister, Lulu, which include never to attend a sleepover, never to have a playdate, never to choose their own extracurricular activities, and never to get any grade less than A, among many others.
“People forget that my mom’s book is one that she wrote about us,” Sophia told NextShark. “It’s not like someone planted a hidden camera in our house and they caught us doing this. I’m very close to my family. I love hanging out with my parents.”
“I think it’s more like a ‘Don’t try this at home guide.’ I think it’s funny everyone assumes my mom is telling everyone else they should do this with their kid.”

Nonetheless, Sophia has since attributed her academic success to her mother’s parenting methods.
While not everyone has — and wants to have — a tiger mom, people can now emulate Sophia’s success using her “How to Study Like a Harvard Student” guide.

Check it out:

Think you can handle studying like the child of a “Tiger Mom”?
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