‘Tiger Mom’ Amy Chua Suddenly Hospitalized for Undisclosed Illness, Will Miss Rest of Yale Semester

By Bryan Ke
Amy Chua, author of the book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” and mother of Sophia Chua-Rubenfield, was reportedly hospitalized for undisclosed reason and may not return to teach her class this semester.
The 55-year-old Yale Law School professor’s hospitalization was so sudden that the school board decided to merge her section of contracts class with professor Ian Ayres’ class, according to Above the Law.
In an email sent by Ayres’ to the publication, it was stated there that Chua’s class will now be moved to a different classroom as well as meet at a different schedule.
However, in the later part of the email, Ayres noted that the school is trying to respond to Chua’s situation. Read the full letter below, as poted on Above the Law:
“Dear Section A,
I’m saddened to report that Professor Amy Chua is hospitalized and cannot continue to teach her section (Section C) of contracts. I’ve agreed to take over her class and we’re going to ultimately merge the two sections to meet at the same time and place.
What this means for you:
1) We will still meet tomorrow at 1:40 in Baker 116.
2) We will not have class next Tuesday.
3) We will have a merged class next Wednesday, Sept 12 from 10:10-noon in SLB 120.
4) Thereafter, the merged sections will meet Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:10-12 in room slb 120
The reading list is going to be the same for you, but the Student of Last Resort groups in the attached have been altered and will be in effect starting next Wednesday on Sept 12. Also I am dropping the (***) oral argument assignments. So even tomorrow, there will be no oral argument for Langer case.
If you have any conflicts are questions about any of this, please call my cell XXX-XXXX. I’m trying to do this in away that minimizes costs to you as the school tries to react responsibly to Professor Chua‘s illness.
Darcy Smith will be sending around a google doc where you can sign up for us to have lunch together in groups of three or four — possibly just after class on Wednesdays.”
Featured image (right) via Twitter / amychua
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