Thief Who Likes to Cuddle With 10,000 Pairs of Stolen Women’s Underwear Caught in China

By Khier Casino
A man, surnamed Xing, has been caught stealing about 10,000 pieces of women’s clothing in Jiujiang, Jiangxi province after a woman said a pair of her underwear had gone missing and found hanging from his balcony.
The perv, who is reportedly in his forties, was rooming in a nearby factory dormitory where police discovered 10 bags filled with underwear, according to Shanghaiist.

Police also stumbled upon boxes and cabinets containing women’s undergarments and clothes all stacked up in neat piles in the man’s small dorm room.
Xing has been divorced for many years and told police that he had collected all of the unmentionables over the last decade, confessing that he liked women’s clothes ever since he was young.

He mentioned that his classmates had made fun of him and treated him like he was a girl.
Xing admitted to gathering up a pile of stolen clothes to cuddle with as he fell asleep every night.

He had to wash and dry the stolen clothes every so often because, you know, it would be weird if they were dirty.
A tricycle that was used to transport the booty back to the station only managed to carry one-third of the more than 10,000 pieces of women’s clothing, according to police.

In August 2016, similar incident happened in Motosu city in the south west of Gifu Prefecture, Japan, where 63-year-old farmer Fumio Takahashi was caught stealing 150 pieces of women’s underwear, and found by police wearing a bra during a raid at his home.
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