Celebrity Thai Monk Under Fire After Getting Caught Holding His Baby Daughter

A celebrity monk has caused an online frenzy after a photo of him holding his baby daughter was posted online while he was temporarily ordained.  
Thai singer Thassapak “Bie” Chii and his wife, actress Sumontip “Gubgib” Chii, were heavily criticized by netizens after Gubgib posted a picture of her husband on her Instagram account, Sanook reported (via Coconuts Bangkok).
“Came to pay respects to my monk, but have to put a wig on first! Don’t want people confusing the baby and the monk. Hahahahaha,” the post read.
The negative reactions from netizens mostly question if it was appropriate for the celebrity monk to hold a little girl, since it was reportedly a serious offense for a monk to touch a woman. Commenters point out that his actions were misplaced.
“I don’t want to judge anyone, but for someone as old as her and who is a mom to not know propriety — she has a problem,” said one comment quoted by Sanook.
“He wanted to be ordained as a monk, but isn’t even trying to purify himself. So why is he wasting his time getting ordained then?” reacted another.
Phramaha Paiwan, a respected monk, gave his insight on the issue of the celebrity monk by posting on his Facebook page, “Since you asked, I’ll answer. Honestly, it is not that big of an offense. Even though it is seen as inappropriate, I still think that it is more heart-warming than wrong. A monk is holding his daughter with a heart full of love…”
“We should not just judge others on their outer actions, but think of their true intentions. A monk and a woman cannot touch each other, but it is only wrong if the monk has impure thoughts. This is an innocent child… We are sometimes so quick to judge others and making mountains out of molehills.”
Netizens who read the monk’s post saw his point and changed their views to agree with him.
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