Video of 11-year-old Pikachu fan heartbroken by mom’s math homework-themed cake surprise goes viral

An 11-year-old boy from China burst into tears after receiving a textbook-themed cake on his birthday.
The boy’s mother, Ms. Zhang from Jiangsu Province, China, had reportedly promised her son a Pikachu birthday cake; however, she decided to change its design at the last minute as a surprise on Jan. 8.
The birthday cake featured small print-outs of a set of textbooks in Mathematics, Science, Chinese and English. According to Asia One, the icing on the cake also read: “As long as the world does not end, you have to do your homework.”
According to his mother, the 11-year-old’s primary school examinations are set to take place from Jan. 22 to Jan. 26. In the video, the birthday boy can be seen slumping into his chair and crying in disappointment.
The video went viral on the Chinese microblogging website, Sina Weibo, with many users also expressing disappointment at the mother’s choice of surprise.
“A distasteful move by adults, why can’t you let the child enjoy for one day? Why do you need to stress him out on his birthday?” one user wrote, according to Asia One.
Featured Images via D视频
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