Texas Pharmacist Buys Inhaler for Woman’s Daughter After She Lost Her Debit Card

By Ryan General
A pharmacist at a Walgreens outlet in Texas has captured hearts on social media for the act of kindness he showed to a stranger.
That stranger was Elizabeth Garza, who recently narrated the incident on a Facebook post. According to Garza, she was buying her daughter’s inhaler at a Walgreens store in Palmhurst when she realized that she did not have enough cash for it.
“On my way home from work tonight I had to stop and pick up my daughter’s inhaler at our local Walgreens in Palmhurst because her other one was left at school with the nurse. I got to the pharmacy but I realized I had only $2 in my pocket plus I had lost my debit card,” she wrote.
She tried alternative modes of payment but to no avail.
“I was trying to use the app and add Emmanuel’s debit card info to pay for it that way but was having trouble. I asked the pharmacist for some assistance, but then the app froze and he couldn’t input Emmanuel’s card info manually.“
Garza said she was ready to leave the store without the inhaler but a kind pharmacist happily offered help.
“I told him that it was fine and I understood he had no control over it and was about ready to go home empty handed because closing time was in 5 min. ( Mind you I’m the only one who leaves the house since I work in the medical field at a pediatric rehab and my husband works from home and is with our three children) This AMAZING AND WONDERFUL young man tells me ‘Go ahead and take your medication ma’am I will pay for it.’ He took his phone and paid for it electronically and out popped the receipt. I look up and am dumbfounded that a complete stranger has offered to pay for my daughter’s medication just like that!!!”
She then asked the good Samaritan if the offer was serious and his response brought her to tears: “With the way things are nowadays we all need to look out for each other and care for one another when we can. This is something I can do for you to make sure you have the medicine you need tonight at home. Caring for one another is all we have and what will get us through this.”
Garza ended her post explaining how much of a difference that a simple act of kindness can do, then encouraging her followers to pay a similar kindness forward to others as well.
“He had me in tears!!! I will NEVER forget this moment! This shows us all that there is good out there in this crazy world and in our own community! Each one of us can be this type of person for someone else if we would like to. Have a caring heart out there everyone and pay it forward!! Our world would be a much better place if there (were) more of us like this young man! Now my baby girl has her inhaler tonight because of him. ❤️
And yes this happened to me today at the Walgreens in Palmhurst in Mission on Conway Ave. May God bless this young man and allow him to continue down this path!”
The unnamed hero has earned praises online for his good deed.
Featured image via Elizabeth Garza
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