NFL Host Apologizes After Calling Ken Jeong a ‘Little Short Guy From Japan’

this just confirms what people already assumed about Terry Bradshaw #racist #terrybradshaw
— Mike Chu (@mikevchu) May 14, 2019
Terry Bradshaw apologizes for racially insensitive remark about Ken Jeong @CNN TB has been a racist his entire life. Once heard his vulgar stories at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel years ago. Just no TV cameras or cell phones back then.
— JESS Kalinowsky (@FriendsTravel) May 14, 2019
Is anyone surprised by this? Terry Bradshaw is the epitome of everyone’s racist old uncle.
— brian kotwasinski (@dinkyvision) May 14, 2019
It’s not the first time or last time old fart Bradshaw made racist comment like that 💩💩
— Caynaba84 (@caynaba84) May 14, 2019
Terry Bradshaw has always been a racist Tske him off the sir
— Monty Sullivan (@SullivanMonty) May 14, 2019
@FOXSports Your lack of input about the insensitive and racist remarks if Terry Bradshaw just goes to show corporate America doesn’t give one iota about it’s viewers or it’s employees. This isn’t the first time he’s been racist and insensitive! #boycottfoxsports #racistcompany
— Darren Rector (@mplscoder) May 14, 2019
Terry Bradshaw apologizes for racially insensitive remark about Ken Jeong WELL OLD TERRY DONE CONTROLLED HIS MOUTH FOR YEARS! BUT IT HAD TO COME OUT ONE DAY!
— The Truth (@0cd8bef6f7af48f) May 14, 2019
Ken Jeong is American…he was born in Detroit. He’s as American as Terry Bradshaw. Imagine someone referring to TB as “the big guy from Europe.” The problem is that Asian Americans are perpetually seen as foreigners and as undifferentiated masses…we all look alike right?
— David C (@boston_appah) May 14, 2019
He finally made an ass of himself! He’s always been a Racist & Bigot of every ethnicity except Caucasians and if further proof was needed, there it is!
— 👍 S. Christy 😃 (@SChristy16) May 15, 2019
So, it was flippant, rude, and insensitive. It doesn’t have to be in anger to be completely out of line. How is this a discussion? Bradshaw ADMITTED it was offensive—not just to Jeong but to all Asian Americans. There’s no debate here—there’s rude & racist remarks & an apology.
— Christina Sid 🔜GenCon (@greeksid) May 15, 2019