Senator Tammy Duckworth Could Be Joe Biden’s Pick For Vice President of the United States

Senator Tammy Duckworth Could Be Joe Biden’s Pick For Vice President of the United StatesSenator Tammy Duckworth Could Be Joe Biden’s Pick For Vice President of the United States
Bryan Ke
April 30, 2020
Democratic Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth’s name is being floated as one of Joe Biden’s vice-presidential picks for the 2020 election.
Duckworth, 52, the first Thai American and first woman to be elected to Congress, has appeared in several op-ed pieces that list potential running mates for Biden, according to AsAm News.
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According to Vox, Duckworth is an ideal candidate because “There’s been a lot of push and pull between a woman of color and a woman from the Midwest.”
The same points were echoed by CNN which noted the senator’s Midwestern roots and being an Asian American could be beneficial for Biden. The report also pointed out her background as a soldier.
Duckworth’s UH-60 Black Hawk was attacked by Iraqi insurgents while serving in the U.S. Army as a pilot on Nov. 12, 2004. She sustained serious injuries from a rocket-propelled grenade that took out both of her legs and nearly took out her arm.
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In The Washington Post, political columnist and data analyst David Byler described Duckworth as the safest and smartest choice for Biden. She meets the basic requirements as she “served in the House for four years and has been in the Senate since 2017.”
Byler also talks about Duckworth’s military background as a strong point.
Duckworth could also provide input as Biden’s administration tackles the issues of paid family leave because of her firsthand experience as a new parent.
“Duckworth’s status as a veteran and a mom would help her blunt the criticisms that are often aimed at female politicians,” Byler said.
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Duckworth told the Chicago Daily Herald that she is honored that her name was mentioned in the list of candidates to run with Biden.
“I am honored that my name is even in the mix. I think it’s a good message for working moms everywhere,” she said, adding that this would also be a positive representation for Asian Americans and people with disabilities.
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