Hilarious Japanese Man Makes Ping Pong Insanely Awesome to Watch

Those who say table tennis is boring certainly have not seen Takkyu Genin Pinpon’s  unique take on the sport.
A mix of awesome ping pong skills and comedic genius, the Japanese player has elevated the game to a whole new stratosphere of entertainment bliss.
The sport is currently huge in Japan due to the success of its players, including Olympic power couple Ai Fukuhara and Taiwanese Chiang Hung-chieh.
Far from the tournaments and pro leagues, the other ping pong whiz, who calls himself Takkyu Genin Pinpon or “Table Tennis Entertainer Ping Pong,” has captured everyone’s attention. He displays his mesmerizing trick shots in his YouTube videos that are guaranteed to make anyone who watch them gape in awe.
His videos have generated a huge positive response from all over the world, prompting him to release an English compilation of some of his best moves.
The three-minute clip exhibits unique comedy in masterful ping pong style. Playful and entertaining, the video starts with a few basic yet complicated moves that slowly gravitated into comedic skits involving table tennis etiquette, a variety of paddle alternatives, ping pong self-defense and table tennis relationship goals.
Rocketnews24 has compiled and translated some comments from amazed viewers:
“That was great from start to finish.”
“You are a f***ing genius.”
“That last scene was very romantic.”
“Hilarious. He is crazy.”
“You deserve at least a million views!”
“Alright we can delete YouTube now. This is the winner. It’s over.”
Here’s an older Takkyu Genin Pinpon creation which is equally funny:
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