Taiwanese man starts living in year 3000 with his payment app barcode tattoo

By Ryan General
A man in Taiwan got a barcode permanently tattooed on his arm to avoid the hassle of taking out his mobile phone to make purchases.
Without revealing his identity, the man shared images and clips of his fully functional barcode tattoo on Taiwanese social media platform DCard.
The uploader shared that he had been thinking about getting a tattoo long before he decided to choose something useful.
He came up with the idea of getting a payment app barcode tattoo after contemplating the inconvenience of having to pull out his smartphone whenever he needed to pay for something.
Fortunately for the user, he was able to find a meticulous tattoo artist, as a slight error in the width of the bars would have rendered his tattoo useless.
The user’s clips, which have been widely shared on other platforms, show him successfully making purchases at convenience stores and gas stations by scanning his tattoo.
According to the user, the process has earned him odd looks from people who were apparently amazed by his unique mode of payment.
While he claimed that he had encountered no issues with the tattoo so far, he does not suggest others do the same as there is an undeniable risk of error in inking the fine lines of the barcode.
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