6 articles
Steve Wozniak Said the One Thing We’ve All Been Thinking About the Apple Watch
In his recent Reddit “Ask Me Anything” this week, Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Wozniak shared his thoughts on the company he helped grow and ...
Editorial Staff
Steve Wozniak is Sick of People Stalking Him and Profiting Off His Autographs
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is sick of people stalking him to make a quick buck off his autographs, according to a recent Facebook post. ...
Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Once Built an Actual Fake Bomb in High School
One Apple co-founder took ridiculous fake-bombs-in-school threats to the next level back in the day. When young evil genius Steve Wozniak wa...
Sebastian Dillon
Steve Jobs Had ‘No Role At All’ in Creating Apple’s First Computers, Says Steve Wozniak
The late Steve Jobs is most famous for being the genius behind Apple’s rise to technological and cultural relevance — and rightly so. ...
Max Chang
Meet Apple’s Honorary Fourth Co-Founder
Paul Terrell might not be a name you recognize, but he’s a technology pioneer. In December of 1975, Terrell opened The Byte Shop in Mountain...
Benny Luo
10 Ways Marijuana Can Make You More Successful
If there’s anything our generation is known for, it’s got to be our tendency to embrace entrepreneurship and our openness to the...
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